Friday, 7 May 2010

Getting into Institutions

This project has been very eye opening for us. One of our aims was to connect the isolated to the community. But trying to reach them is so hard. I have spent all morning calling old folks homes, nicely explaining our project. Often I was met with hostility and suspicion, they needed to get line managers permission, but they would call me back. With the exception of one organisation, I have had no response. What about getting permission of the elderly? Why does living in an institution mean that all your freedom is removed? Why do you have to have a CRB (which incidentally I do) to visit people inside these buildings. They take several months to arrive, cost nearly 100 quid, and Ian Huntley had a CRB, and it did very little to protect his victims. It worries me that care institutions are so hidden from the public, the residents should be a valid part of our community and be given a voice, and listened to.

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